Anyone Tried COS D2 DAC?

I'm expecting to take delivery of this on Friday. Here is Srajan's 6moons review:

and am wondering if anyone else out there has heard it. 
I own the D2v and my friend (a cable manufacturer) has the H1.  The D2v balances neutrality with a fully fleshed out tone, smooth highs and thunderous bass.   The new D10 adds streaming and phono capabilities as a full preamp.   The H1 is airier, quicker and has tighter bass, good for systems with mini-monitors to enlargen the sound.   Forest missing, ha!  I'm coming from an EAR Acute player from 2006.  The COS is a superior DAC and beautifully manufactured.

Very sorry I neglected to respond earlier. The COS was way too clinically
resolving for my tastes-- it focused so much on the "trees" that it lost all sense of the "forest". In other words, it dissected the music into constituent parts to such a degree that there was little coherence. Personally, I found it very odd-- certainly not aesthetically pleasing, but no doubt, others would disagree. I ended up buying an Aqua La Voce, which I love. You can find reviews on John Darko's site. 
Assuming you did get above.....I am considering one, and would love to get your opinion on the D2......
Greatly appreciated.