Anyone tighten up drivers occasionally

Out of curiosity I checked the tightness of the mounting bolts on my Revel speakers today. Probably the 2nd time I have done that in a decade. I could turn each bolt maybe 1/16 of a turn (curiously, one woofer bolt took a 1/4 turn). Anyone check their drivers on occasion? systems been off since, and wonder if I will hear anything different-

Showing 1 response by stringreen

B&W's use a plastic ring between the driver and the baffle...if you use too much torque, you will flatten the ring, and the speaker will not be spec...Vandersteens use screws on their drivers only to hold them in place while a mastic is drying that securely does the job. Be careful or you can break the mastic and the speaker will need repair. This post is for all as a cautionary warning to be sure what you are doing.