Anyone seen their favorite High End store close?

I have lived in Nashville, TN for most of the last 30 years,
I discovered Nicholson's HiFi in the early 70's. My system is half pro gear and half high end audio. most of the high end gear came from Nicholsons and we don't have another store anything like that in town. I guess I will have to buy my high end stuff from you guys, and thats OK, but I will miss sitting in a demo room for 2 or 3 hours with Lee (sales manager) auditioning various CD players or tables. Any thoughts ?

Showing 1 response by rmrobinson1957

How funny; I was just thinking about this. I have noticed this here in the San Jose, CA area too. Most stores have consolidated multiple locations or changed their focus to home theater. A couple have closed altogether. One store has remained focused on analog and tube electronics, and used vinyl at high prices. He's doing ok I think. I rarely go there. The one store where I felt really comfortable "hanging out" and listening to equipment, and where I made most of my purchases is now a custom installer closed to the public.

The last piece of electronics I purchased - a Meridian G61 processor - I had to order. There was no store demo to audition.