Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars?

Is there anything like this in NJ?

Should we make one? 


I actually considered doing this in DC with my old all Shindo rig but I just couldn’t see it catching on so opened a restaurant that makes actual money.

I’ve gone to a few.

The experiences vary.

some are really focused on the listening. Others on the vibe and the social experience.

My own room compares favorably, with a fraction of the hardware expenditure.

i lived in nyc for 45 years  I move to the Hudson Valley and THEN these open up, 😝

Philadelphia PA ^^^^

No I have not been there YET!

Was supposed to meet my son there a month ago but he had to cancel.

He is an audio engineer, musician , podcast recording engineer and has several Grammy's to his credit it will be interesting to have his take on the place.