Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll

As I peruse the ads all too much on Audiogon, I have flat out come to the conclusion, I am better off listing something higher than what it value is, than to list a fair price and list it as a firm price. All too often firm prices get views not offers.

It seems everyone wants to get a deal. I know the very term "fair" will spark some controversy, since the term alone is very subjective.

I'd like to know how others view this. Do you pay a fair price when it is fair to you, or do you still try to get a few bucks off?
Do you list higher than fair,knowing you will be asked to go to your lowere (fair) price?
Just curious,

Showing 2 responses by macct

Probably half the items I have sold have been at my asking price, while the others were still in my low range estimate. I try to list them at a price which I think reflects their value. Some items have sold really quickly & I wonder if I listed them to low. I rather think ...there aren't many of them & so someone was just waiting.

A few items (mainstream items) seem to bring out the low-ballers ....when I sold my B&W center channel. It was fairly priced & I received several offers, but the first 3 buyers were all flakes. I also had a bit of difficulty selling my cd player this summer. I don't think I would sell an expensive item during the summer again. One potential buyer kept on trying to telling how cd players were doomed and why his price was good. I decided not to sell it to him (constant emails) & just waited it out.

When buying items, I pass over items that are unreasonably listed. If the discount is not significant from a dealer why bother. I think all of my purchases have been within 10% of asking (net dollars). I also won't pay PayPal fees (nor do I charge them). Its matter of principal (the agreement w/ PayPal states that fees cannot be passed on to the buyer). I also stay clear of adds saying "low baller will be cheerfully ignored, etc.". Its just rude. I think they can find a better way to word an ad.

Actually some of us view "low ballers will be cheerfully ignored" as just plain rude. Its also an indication the seller has no problem dismissing someone arbitrarily or dealing with them in a less than friendly manner. I would think this would be particularly true if a problem arose after the item arrived. Fortunately, we get to choose who we decide to do business with.