Anyone moved on from an Auralic Vega to Lampizator?

Hi everyone,
I've enjoyed my Auralic Vega (1st generation) for the last 7 years or so, but i recently heard a Lampi Atlantic in an unfamiliar system. It sounded absolutely fantastic; musical, holographic, nuanced etc, and has got me wondering whether it's time for an upgrade. Has anyone already gone that route, and care to share their thoughts on how much of a difference it made?

My current system is NAS -> Laptop w/Jriver -> Auralic Vega Gen 1 -> Jadis JPS 2 -> Jadis JA80's -> Wilson Benesch Vector

Thanks in advance for your comments,


I moved from a Bel Canto 2.5 to a now discontinued Lampizator Level 4 Gen 5 and it was not even close. 
Once properly setup ( Valvo Gold Pin ecc81, Brimar 12bh7 and rca 6x5 rectifier) the sound stage is so large and deep, textures are vibrant, enormous bass, very dynamic… I compared it to an Aqua La Voce recently and still preferred my Lampi by a huge margin. So far the only DAC I could directly compare and that put it to shame is Accuphase DC-1000. But it is 20k.


one thing I would say regarding my specific model though is proper isolation feet and good power ( I use a Plixir 400 for the Lampi) were crucial, only then i truly sings.


source will also plat a crucial role with the Lampi…

A decent streamer is absolutely necessary otherwise it sounds still sounds digital iN my experience 


Attending the Capital Audio Fest a couple weeks ago two rooms used the Lampizator and they were by far the best sounding digital setups.

I moved from a Vega G1 to a Lampi Atlantic TRP.  Huge upgrade if your sensibilities in digital lean towards trying to achieve a sound closer to an analog front end. I found the Auralic line to be a bit cold and analytical in presentation and Lampizator is the perfect elixir to my ears.