Anyone listen to entire albums?

I assume the answer is yes since many of you run vinyl rigs, but just wondering how many around here listen to entire albums at a sitting?  In the age of instant gratification and playlists I seem to be, recently, gravitating to listening through entire albums.  I don’t have vinyl and only stream or play from a network drive so it’s easy for me to bounce around from song to song, artist to artist.  Maybe it’s a nostalgia thing but I enjoy hearing a record in it’s entirely the way the artist recorded it.  I’ve flirted with the idea of vinyl for the very reason that it seems to be a format that lends itself to listening through an entire album in one sitting.  I seem to be less inclined to make that move though now that I’ve been doing the album thing via streaming. 


Showing 1 response by baylinor

I'm retired, so absolutey. Listening to the entire album, or entire side in case of vinyl is the best way to get the message of the artist on a particular album. At least that applies to all artists worthy of that word. However nowadays many pop artists don't put much thought into their music as it is mostly made at the command of the producers to produce hits. But I don't bother listening to those.