Anyone into 78s, mono classical LPs?

I recently came into a large lot of 78s, some jazz (likely to keep), some classical (likely to find another home for), as well as a bunch of mono classical LPs.

Experiences? Thoughts?
The 33 rpm LP was invented in 1949, stereo was invented as early as 1955 but not really used much til maybe 1958 or later. 78s are not recorded thru solid state equip but strictly via tubes. thus the more lifelike sound. they have limited freq. response, esp. no highs, I think they only go up to 8000 hz. As in most cases, rarity and CONDITION are key to any collectibe value. I am a big classical fan, but, since most classical music runs long time vs. torch songs or jazz & dance swing, classical on 78s has less appeal because you have to keep changing sides. I look for song collections. I hope to find opera singers like Lily Pons and Tancredi Passero (mostly unknown in the USA, he was the house basso for Toscanini) on good 78s doing recitals. The big album boxes of romantic classical music are nice but not very rare. And remember, don't stack them more than few inches high or they will break under the heavy weight. I am looking for a cheap ttble to play mine on now.
Ralph, how different is the RIAA curve to what would be appropriate for the average 78?
Thanks for both of your responses. I've got far more records than I have time
to listen to so I tend to look for excuses to pair down. Silly me. There often
seems to be a relaxed directness to the earlier recordings that offers a
refreshing perspective, emphasizing the music over the sonics.

I don't have enough experience with the Classical 78s to have the
perspective on comparative performances that you bring up Ralph, but your
example is inspiring.
Yeah, I'm into mono hifi classical and jazz from the 1950's. A good performance on an original pressing has its own depth that transcends the accustomed lateral spatial clues. However, I currently play them on my stereo rigs but intend to build an all-tube mono horn rig in the future to extend my enjoyment, so additional enlightenment, to the positive or negative, may follow. Beyond about 1958 or 59, the better classical and jazz recordings will usually be found in stereo (extend this breakpoint to about 1968 for poprock). Before these dates, I've gained an appreciation for the mono releases-- especially Julie London from the '50's and '60's surf and psych, which were generally more carefully mixed in mono up to about 1968.
Piedpiper, I would love to find a 78 copy of the Four Last Songs, by Richard Strauss. It was conducted live by Wilhelm Furtwangler, and is easily the best performance of the Four Last Songs. I have the HiFi mono version, with Schwartzkopf singing, and the stereo version on EMI with her, but they both pale compared to Kirsten Flagstad with Furtwangler conducting. The version I have is a mono compilation on LP, on an Italian label and is the only version I know of, and is clearly a transcription from a set of 78s. They sound like they were recorded off-the-air!

If I could find the 78s of this recording, it would be a no-brainer to set up a table with a 78 stylus and proper 78 rpm equalization.

In short, You do it to get the Performance: its all about the music.
I guess I was hoping to hear from anyone who has a particular fondness for the above as to why they do.

No takers?
S.E. Iowa. There are about maybe 100 classical 12" 78s, about 50 classical 12" mono LPs and about 20 classical 10" LPs.

My own preference is for stereo LPs unless the music is extraordinary. There are a bunch of 10" jazz LPs that are great music and fun to play that I'm keeping as well as a bunch of jazz 78s that I'll keep although I'll need to set up a dedicated turntable for playing them.