Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
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It's sad that there are so many small dealers/sellers here that hi-jack threads for their own purpose. Other than a few constructive answers, I'm really sorry to have started another discussion on Audiogon.

I have many Hi-Fi friends and industry acquaintances who refuse to post or answer posts here - primarily because of these narcissistic audiophiles.. It's a shame because all of them could bring vast experience to the forums.

I've been here since 2000 and have only posted 130 times. It's because most conversations go sideways and get ugly like this one. I don't particularly like to argue or defend my position when asking for help. For this reason it will probably be another few years before I post again.

This could be a much better place
My impression is that it would depend on your musical preference. I have Magico S1's and used to run it on a class D amp. It was great for rock or pop music but was wanting for classical. In particular, richness and delicacy of violins were absent in the setup with class D. Now I pair the Magico's with Jadis I50 tube amp and this setup brings a richness to the music. Violins are better but still not what I hope it to be. I have heard the A3's paired with Jadis I88 and I think the sound is more detailed but thinner that with the S1s.

Devialet and Magico is not my taste either because it is better for rock and less for classical. 

So, what kind of music do you listen to and what kind of sound do you want to get from your system?
I don’t think that AudioTroy are as terrible as some on here are claiming, as we all know, strident opinions are commonplace on audiogon.
Though I can’t help hearing in my head two guys speaking in unison every time I read their posts. It sounds like one entity. Just slightly creepy.

I really like class D by the way.
Reading this thread while listening to "Famous Blue Raincoat" by Jennifer Warnes with Bel Canto Ref 600Ms and Talon Khorus X, VTL 7.5 pre. Mccormack deluxe universal player. Sounds great. 3D soundstage, detailed.  
The Bel Cantos replaced tube 450s. The tubed amps sounded different than the Bel Cantos.  I loved those tubed amps. I also love the BCs.
Was worried because of Class D phobia, but found that the VTL 7.5 with CBS  CHYRO 12Au7s  sounds incredible.
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Follow-up on the combination. I've surpassed 300 hours on the Magico's and the Bel Canto's drive them spectacularly. The bass is well controlled, defined, and tight. These speakers really highlight the capabilities of these amps, rather than the opposite as some have suggested. Couldn't be happier!
I am using the Bel Canto ref 600s to drive MBL speakers . These are fantastic amplifiers and way better than the earlier versions of Class D amps.
a tube pre helps. I have tried various solid state amps with these speakers.. I reckon that the combo will beat most class AB amps and even push pull tube amps.

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tgun5 - despite the frustration you had to go thru, this thread provided many good insights. I am a bel canto ref 1000M MkII owner and am considering upgrading as I buy a Magico S5 MkII pair. It will be useful to hear your current views on the A3/600m combo if you still have that setup. i may go to Black EX level, but will appreciate any advice. Also would add that the Ef 1000m Mk II are fantastic, i have truly enjoyed them all these years. i think a lot of ppl dissing class D amps have no real experience and are ignorant.
To add some fuel to the fire here.  I don't have the Magico speakers but I do own the Theta Prometheus class D monos and also have, First Watt J2 and F6 and Pass 30.8 also have the Decware Zen triode tube amp. I feed mine directly from a DCS Rossini DAC/clock.  I've had many an amp and no way does the Class D get stomped all over as Audio Troy says.  I agree that they might sound a touch drier than the others but still I am always a little surprised how good they do when I put them back in the system.  I have been going back and forth with these amps for months also switching in and out some different speakers. For me it kind of depends on the music and the volume as to what I prefer.  I understand the though behind not wanting space heaters in the room, that is what drew me to class D.  If that is a high priority then Class D is pretty good.  I had a Coda TS400 and a Krell Duo 300 and I'd take the Theta Class D over either of those amps on sonics alone.  I have a friend who has some Bel Canto Ref 600 amps that sound very good and smooth at his system as well.  If I was choosing amps on sound alone I probably wouldn't go class D but if heat and power consumption was in any way important I would choose them and never look back.  They do sound good and as AudioTroy says you can flavor their sound with upstream gear.  
I have a question for Audio Troy can the Coda No 8 stereo amp image as good as ref 600 monos. Steven be Stone said they were exceptional at this same as Pass 150.5! Btw I'm a sucker for holographic imaging!😆
The coda have a huge soundstage depends on how you are feeding the amps preamp and dac affect soundstaging wr go bricasti m3 direct to coda sounds exceptional
Tgun, I reckon I amm2 years late into the discussion.
i own the Bel Canto Ref 600 driving MBL Speakers and they certainly can drive them as good or better than any of the Class A/B amplifiers I have heard.

I have paired the speakers with a well known European Class A integrated as well as push pull 100 w tube amplifiers . These Bel Cantos do not sound
unlike the other older ones..I am quite sensitive to high frequency pitch and once ran away fm
a hi Fi shop which was  running a class d amp.. but that was 15 years ago. The Ref 600’s do not have this problem.They are extremely musical and they do benefit from the addition of a tube pre amp, which is also the case with most solid state amplifiers.

Magicos are not overrated, what you heard was obviously not set up right or matched to the appropriate gear, the Magico S5 we have on our floor are stunning sounding, and one of best speakers I have ever heard regardless of cost.