Anyone heard the MIT Oracle-Z Cord III power cord?

I see this listed both ways, as the Oracle III or the Z Cord III power cable. I have a Z Center and this is supposed to be THE cord to use instead of the Z Cord II. Has anyone tried these?

I've decided on the ZIIs. MIT still recommends them with the Z Center for digital gear. I heard several more expensive cables (not the ZIIIs) and I did not like the upper mid brightness. The ZIIs were more detailed and space defining than the original cords, but retained a very musical richness and smoothness throughout. My gear: Wadia 270se and 27, ARC 150 amps and Thiel 5i speakers.

Actually Vader, the Z Cord II is a good cord IMO. I use one off and on with a classe amp and it is an improvement over stock. It also beat out BMI EEL and SRMC in my system. Relaxes the sound and improves imaging.
Yes, I have.
Although it is much better than the ZII (just about anything is) MIT's strengths are not in the power cable field. I love thier Speaker cables and interconnects
but for power cords I would look elsewhere. (and I did)
The Z Center is old technology and strangles the music.
There are much better options today. PS Audio power plants, Audio Magic Stealth, Shunyata Hydra, .....and many more.
Good Luck


Yes I owned a Z Center once too.