Anyone heard PSB Imagine T3?


Have anyone heard this speaker? How does it sound? How is the speaker compared to Synchrony One? I had Synchrony One for some years ago and know it very well.


Showing 8 responses by bill_k

A local dealer recently got their demo pair so I was able to hear them. It's just being released after its premier at the recent RMAF.

While I've liked some of PSB's previous designs including the Synchrony Ones, I was never so moved as I am by this new model. I heard them with both tube and solid state electronics, and they are quite revealing while maintaining an overall musicality and engaging quality rarely found in this price range.

The mids and highs are very smooth and effortless, while the bass is fully extended and articulate. They also recreate the music with a very convincing sense of space. Their appearance is stunning in the gloss cherry finish, making them look much more expensive than they are.

I think PSB hit it out of the park with this design, easily their best effort yet and competitive well beyond their price.
The PSB Imagine T3 speakers retail for $7,498 per pair, in either high gloss cherry or black finishes. Definitely worth a listen if you have the opportunity. It is their new top of the line.
Audiotroy - I agree with your assessment completely, as the Imagine T3 competes with other speakers well beyond its retail price in sonic performance as well as its beautiful finish quality in cherry gloss. A stunning performer!
I have already given my impressions above. FYI, a full review is scheduled to appear in the upcoming issue 255 of The Absolute Sound.
Milpai - I find them to be an exceptional value, but selecting speakers is a very subjective endeavor. Any further description that I provide would still require you to hear and compare them for yourself with the rest of your planned system. Component interaction can also be a determining factor that can make or break a given speaker selection in any given application. So I would strongly suggest that you arrange to audition the speakers you are interested in which include some very fine choices, along with the rest of your system if at all possible. Only you can determine what will please you the most, and I wouldn't want to steer you the wrong way towards reaching your desired goals. I haven't heard the other speakers that you listed but am familiar with the brands and have heard other models from those companies. Spendors generally have a more laid back presentation, while the PMCs are more forward and present. The Quads that I've heard are older models which I wouldn't compare to the newer S series you mentioned.

I find the T3s to offer tremendous dynamics with full bass extension, a smooth and uncolored midrange, and nicely extended and clear highs. They image very well with the cabinets doing a very nice disappearing act into a convincing soundstage that they recreate. In order to sound their best they require quality electronics. If you drive them with a subpar amp the highs can be too dry and analytical. Again this is why you would need to audition them with the rest of your system choices.
Not being a professional reviewer I don't feel like I'm conveying just how good the Imagine T3s are. I find them to perform well beyond any previous speakers from PSB, many of which have been award winning models. Since they are such a new model they have not been formally reviewed yet, but as I mentioned a full review is supposed to appear in the soon to be released issue of The Absolute Sound. I would suggest checking that out when it becomes available, as it should be much better in describing the overall performance that the speakers offer, and probably make some comparisons to other competitive models.
I would not describe the PSB Imagine T3 speakers as having a soundstage that starts 3 to 4 feet behind the speaker's front and goes back from there, if I understand your desire correctly. While it's not overly forward or aggressive sounding, its soundstage is more up front than that while extending to well behind the plane of the speakers. Good luck in your search and please let us know what you decide. I never heard the JM you mentioned, but there are certainly lots of good speakers to choose from these days!
I've heard both and they are very different sounding speakers. The PSB T3 speakers are very neutral in tonal balance as well as having much better bass extension being rated with output down to 24 Hz. The Tannoys have what some find to be a euphonic coloration which gives them a somewhat unique perspective on the music. I find it too intrusive for long term listening but others find it to be engaging. It's very subjective choosing between such different sounding speakers and I find it hard to better describe them. I hope this helps a bit.