Anyone Hear the New JBL L100 Speakers?

I'm a long time member that downsized to a smaller listening room a couple years ago. I currently have a McIntosh amp and preamp and Focal Electra Be 1008 Two way speakers on Target stands filled with 10 lbs. of lead shot.
     I enjoy the speakers but seem to be missing the lower notes a three way speaker provides. Before I downsized I had Focal Electra Be 927 three way speakers that simply had superb fidelity and seemingly captured every note with ease. 
    Thinking of maybe changing to the JBLs if they have more dynamics than U currently have.

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Music Direct had a demo pair of the L100 Classic speakers with blue grill for $2500.00. I wanted to pull the trigger so badly but I have my daughters wedding to pay for in November so I have passed on them, for now. I think it would be fun to put them into my secondary system for a change of pace and my McIntosh 200wpc MA6600 Integrated should drive them quite well. I want to compare them to the GE Triton Ones I am using in that system now. I have Heard the speakers and if you ever heard the original JBL L100 speaker, it is a more refined sound that has that JBL jump factor. That white 12” pulp woofer can really move a lot of air! To me it would be a no brainer.