Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Showing 5 responses by newbee

Onhwy61, ROTFLMAO! Nice parody. I find it interesting that with the great bass these speakers can produce no one publishes any spec's to support that claim. Certainly someone should know what the -3db point is for the bass. Maybe The Audiotweak should lend TWL his RTA. :-)
I have never heard these speakers nor have I read a thorough review by a competent independent reviewer. The only concern I would have to satisfy before I would consider a purchase is their claimed ability to deliver full bass (at realistic listening volumes). These are small boxes and I know of no reason why they should be any different in that regard than other small boxes. If deep bass is important to you I'd want to listen to them first, or be prepared to integrate them with a sub.
TWL, Nice spec's. Shows you where I haven't visited (on the net) in a while. What is the minimum and the maximum impedence? Hell, you might even get me interested.
Warren, You're getting to be a real Oracle, are you from Delphi? :-)

Pal, Warren is totally on point. I would add to his comments that if these speakers are as revealing etc as reputed they should be as critical of the sonic quality of the components attached to them as are most other quality high end speakers. One of the things that (should) make them great is their ability to dig out the detail from the software. Unfortunately that same ability will allow them to dig out all of the qualities, good and bad, of the electronics. That same ability also makes auditioning difficult unless you already have some kind of reference point, you won't know if something you don't like is because of the speaker or the (?) amp. If the speakers like your present electronics, sonically speaking, you are at a great starting point. FWIW, on paper at least, these speakers should be great for medium powered tube amps which are available on the used market in, or close to, your price range. Take your time and have fun.
Speakerdude, Nicely said. I've long thought that the problem with the Caravelle's was more probably a reaction to some of the folks promoting them than the actual speakers themselves. There are certainly as, or more, expensive speakers out there that these speakers claim to be competetive with (or better than). Sure would be interesting to be able to audition them some time.