Anyone having problems with their Gryphon Diablo 300 remote?

I've had my Gryphon Diablo now for a year and I've had intermittent issues with the remote since I've owned the unit.  Nothing against the Diablo itself, but I've already received another remote and now it's starting to act up.

Hello, I bought Gryphon Diablo 300 recently and I found an issue about remote controller. When I try to use it at around 30-45 degrees toward amp, the command seems massed, ex when I clicked volume decrease, amp increased it. However when remote controller was direct toward to amp, all buttons were  fine. Do you guys have same isssue?

Just an update!

I received a "new" Gryphon remote and all is well with the universe, thus far...

Philip has been very understanding and I have one coming Thursday.  I believe it may be a bad batch?  I exhausted every possibility and used up at least 16 batteries.  I hope your situation turns out well also.

Keep us updated and I'll do likewise.
It's a cold truth -- you get what you pay for.
If it's a Philips remote, don't put **** on Gryphon, must be a bad batch if you got two faulty ones, Philips make one of the best remotes around.

Cheers George
Well only a month after commenting that I’d had no issues, my remote has stopped working. I replaced the batteries a few weeks ago when it first happened, which fixed it for a while, but it’s now dead again. Hope you got yours fixed mrc4u. Looks like I’ll have to contact my dealer. 
I spoke with my dealer who has been a dream to work with and he's going to get with Philip and replace it.  I've read some folks have had issues with theirs in other forums too?  Not sure why. If I find out I'll pass that along.
i have a Diablo 300 and have had no issues with the remote either. Hope you get it sorted... 
I don’t see how the CA remote can play into this issue.  Also do not understand how it could be “two” bad remotes.  I have not opened my remote to replace batteries.  Does it come with alkaline batteries from the factory? Have you checked the voltage on your “new” batteries with a volt meter to be certain they are operating at full voltage?  Have you rechecked the battery voltage when the remote stops working?  If the batteries go from “new” to no good in 2-3 days then it must be the remote.  Could something be pressing a remote button continuously when not in use to use up the battery power?  If batteries still read ”good” on the volt meter and remote is not working then it could be either the remote control or the remote circuit in the Gryphon amp.
The remote has now stopped working three times in less than two weeks. And my original remote seemed to burn through batteries (alkaline) very quickly also. But this "new" remote is even worse? I thought it was the batteries so I exchanged them now for the third time and it will work, but only for 2-3 days?

Just a side note: I have an adaptable Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD Player remote that can control the volume of the Gryphon Diablo 300 and I’m wondering if this may be the cause (I can’t figure out for the life of me why it would though, but trying to eliminate all possibilities)? It can’t, however, change the inputs or turn it on and off like the Gryphon remote.