Anyone have first hand experience with new Keith Monks Prodigy.....

Been a long time lurker -- since the Doug Deacon daze....
Lot of things have gotten in the way of my analog stuff...

Looking at how record cleaning has evolved... and my faithfull (but LOUD) VPI 16.5 decided it did not like exposure to moisture... yea my fault.
Looking for first hand experience with the new Prodigy RCM From Keith Monks .....
Bamboo would make it through the years, service in the USA? etc...

Appreciate first hand input...

BTW -- thanks Mr Deacon, and, 4yanx, TWL, and of course Raul R. -- oops showing my age in a new era.

Like the cat in the pic-- Lucky sez......

Showing 1 response by sksos

FX we are a dealer for Keith Monks and have been selling the new Prodigy since last December. We have sold over 12+ units and all (one customer wasn't thrilled but still likes his Prodigy) have thought it does a great job at cleaning records. They initially came out with the "Original" version and now have added a Prodigy Plus and a Prodigy Blue. All 3 units clean the same the differences are mostly in how quiet each machine is as you go up in the line and each one cleans at a slightly faster pace. Also with the Plus & Blue units they have a new EasyTune (EZT) vacuum system for true set-and-forget pressure regulation. Jonathan Monks the son of Keith Monks builds and tests all units before they are shipped out. He is setting up a place on the East Coast for service, if there is ever an issue. We have seen no major issues that required any type of repair with all units sold to date. They are about 300 units behind in scheduled units to be shipped so currently we do have a wait list for when more units arrive.
Please PM me if you have further questions or concerns.

(Dealer disclaimer)