Anyone have a fully upgraded KAB 1200?

I'm very close to having a fully upgraded KAB Technics 1200 with only needing some of the power supply upgrades.  Basically, i'd need the outboard PS and the strobe disable to call it complete (I did the DC voltage regulator (DC-1200) a while back to prepare for the outboard power supply).

Can anyone can comment on whether or not it was worth it?  I'm very happy with the 1200, and this last bit will call it "complete".  Reading through forums, I realize that the sonic improvements are not as great as say a tonearm rewire, mat, or tonearm silicon mod.  However, it's more of a "why not" type of thing and also as a sense of completion to it.

Cost would be ~$200.  Thoughts?  

Thanks for reporting back!

Would you say the KAB PS-1200GXL was worth it? I have been looking at various linear power supplies offered for the 1200 for years, but have not bit the bullet. 

Can you comment on the install difficulty or do you have photos? Doesn't seem Kevin at KAB has updated his images from the original model.

Just wanted to update everyone.  I received the outboard power supply and strobe disabler this week and did the upgrade last night.  Sound report?  Definitely an improvement and noticeable change.  It's difficult for me to describe specifics let alone use the poetry that typically accompanies these type of tonal improvements. 

I'll say this -- *much* quieter and lower noise floor.  Totally worth it.  

I did the upgrades over several years:
+ Tone arm rewire, RCA jacks, cotton in tonearm for stabilization 
+ DC-1200 for voltage regulation (prep for outboard power supply), TD-1200 tone arm dampening, Isonoe feet
+ SX-1200 Strobe, outboard PS.    

Overall I think the tonearm wire was probably best bang for buck and most impactful to sound quality.  It was also the biggest PITA...  but I'd do it all again.    

If I do move on from the 1200, I'd probably look for a platform that starts at $2k-$3k.  I'm not planning on doing anything atm - the 1200G / 1200GR looks interesting - so maybe in the future.  But at least for now,  I'm 100% satisfied with the whole experience of DIY style upgrades to this deck.  Great experience, and totally worth it.  
KAB PSU mods are an easy recommendation as are the Isonoe Sorbothane Boots from KAB.

Sarbothane or glass pads for Isonoe is not necessary. Isonoe is UK company, KAB is just a USA re-seller.
Isonoe feet without additional sarbothane boots are fine, just like on first 2 pictures on Isonoe Official Site

The KAB PSU mods are an easy recommendation as are the Isonoe Sorbothane Boots from KAB. I’ve used the older switched mode PS units sporting the green light box to wonderful results.

For the platter bearing, EAR Isodamp SD-125PSA (same stuff used by SME) works well applied to the underside of the bearing thrust plate along with a few other tricks well documented in various threads.

An SL1200 can also work exceptionally well using aftermarket tonearms, especially considering use of most modern MC cartridges. Sound Supports in the UK has very affordable options for accurately mounting tonearms including the NLA Jelco original TK850S which I’ve used multiple times. Mogami W2549 based Straight DIN to RCA cables are also a great way to "cheat", especially wired with a optional external drain wire for NOT connecting the shielding to ground if your environment allows.

Record mats can also have a dramatic affect, just like peanut butter ;-) Any suitable machinist should be able to remove the raised edge lip on the platter’s face for complete freedom to experiment - also well documented in various threads. Just pay attention to not overload the original bearing/drive system with too much mass.
I purchased the rca cables to swap for the stock ones. No one can do this work, remove old ones, solder on new better quality ones, I won’t attempt it, consider me Tim Taylor (toolman) I would destroy something.

There is a step by step tutorial on youtube how to disassemble Technics turntables for rewire.  

Not fully.

 I purchased the rca cables to swap for the stock ones. No one can do this work, remove old ones, solder on new better quality ones,

 I won’t attempt it, consider me Tim Taylor (toolman)
   I would destroy something.

 Taking off the plastic base, and getting it all back together like new, wish I knew someone who could do this. Someone who has experience.
I think the best upgrade for old SL1200/1210 mk2 - mk6 is to sell it and to buy SP-10 mk2 with EPA-100 instead :) Took me a while to figure out, when I bought my SP-10 mk2 with EPA-100 my pair of SL1210mk2 was fully upgraded (kab fluid damper, complete rewire with cardas and zu, isonoe footers etc). 

SP-10mk2 in a custom plinth with EPA-100 tonearm is another level!
OP here -- I've done all the upgrades advised in the thread.  Only thing left is the power supply.  The best thing IMO about the 1200 is its DIY upgrade path.  I've done all the mods myself - tone arm rewire, lidz rca, wax spindle base, new spindle, tone arm dampening, etc.  Tone re-wire w/ lidz rca was a PITA, but probably the best bang for buck.  

For me, it's a hard sell to put a $300 mat or $150 feet on a $400 deck.  I'm quite happy with it as is and am mainly interested in calling my 1200 upgrade project complete with these final mods.  
When I researched tweaks to my 1210, I found most were for the arm.  My 1210 was a DJ rescue and the arm had to be abused.  I just changed the arm myself.  I didn't have to ship it which is always a risk. The Jelco arm I got is oil damped, was easy to install and was affordable.  An arm change may be easier. I'm still up in the air about the power supply change. 
You don’t have to buy everything KAB! Better cables available (zu audio mission phono RCA), for tonearm cardas litz internal tonearm wires, better feet available (isonoe for example), better mats available (SAEC SS-300 for example).  Rewire process of Technics is very easy for every technician. KAB is just one of them with the worst website on the planet, his site look like we are in the mid 90’s again and never upgraded, this is the worst site I even seen in my life, the size of the images is like the size of matchbox. 
I have a half dozen tables, one is a fully modded KAB 1200.make sure you get the arm dampener, and the complete litz wire re-wire of the tone arm to the outboard RCA sockets. I have the outboard PS. It makes a slight difference but not huge. Would also suggest the KAB replacement feet for the table, and get Cardas litz headshell leads. Both make a significant difference. 

One observation of the Fluid damper. I put one on a 1600 MK2. prior to the install, my neighbor had a Nirvana album that on one track in particular caused severe woofer pumping and the volume did not make it change much. I tried it on my 1600 MK2 and though it was not as bad as on his system the pumping was way more than I would ever want to see. But after installing the fluid damper, I tried that album again and I could not see any movement from the listening position and could see a little movement when I put my eyes right up on it. Seems that the engineer left some nasty sub sonic info in the mix, but the fluid damper helped resolve the issue. My cart is on the upper end on medium compliance but in spec for the arm.
In my opinion:  technics upgrade should start from a cartridge and full rewire from cartridge terminal pins to the phono stage. 

KAB offered external power supply, the rest of his upgrade is pretty basic and his wires are not the best. 

Anyway, when you start from power supply you will not hear much improvement as you can hear with different cartridge even before rewiring. 

Fluid damper is only for high compliance cartridges.

I did make this modification to mine several years ago, but too long ago to tell you what you want to know.  In general it seemed worthwhile at the time and the fully modded SL1200 sounded quite good.  I was replaced by an SL1200GAE that sounded better, but the difference was not as great as you might think.  I definitely would make the upgrade.
Hmm.  Nobody?  Well then, I have the power supply + strobe disabler coming.  I couldn't resist - it's the last ToDo. 

I already have the DC-1200 installed from a few years ago - my expectation is that this took care of alot of the noise.  We'll see! 
I'd like to hear from users too.  I've considered the power supply tweak for years.  Now that the government is giving me some of my damn money back, it just may be time.