I'm just happy to read some 'omni love' here....*S*
One for dlcockrum, in the 'automotive' sense...
Long ago, far away, I chanced upon a pristine Lotus Elite in a driveway. An OMG moment...I lingered, but refrained from leaving fingerprints on it or noseprints on the glass....
It disappeared for awhile.
The next time I saw it outside, it had been hacked up into a 'drag car'....like seeing your old high school sweetheart outside of a methadone clinic.
I was really tempted to bang a door and inquire WTF would make one visit such a travesty on what is now a pricey classic. But I also didn't feel like getting a knuckle sandwich for my outrage.
I know of a soul who's attempting a DIY MBL. I can admire the attempt, as he's doing a stellar job of it....
There are levels to our 'passions' that surpass mere 'interest' and the search for our personal goal of the 'right sound' or the quest for 'perfection', such as it may be for one. I have mine....y'all have yours.
Let us continue....;)