@bbarten Yes, currently experimenting. I find class 'A' mode to be the most dynamic and punchy. In January, at the audio show in Tampa, there was quite a buzz about Geshelli labs having a socketed DAC the J2. Easy plug in and out.
I recently came across a video where iiWi put a Sparkos ss3602 an Aune X8 DAC and reported that it boosted the performance to the level of $1000 DACS. My curiosity was peaked. I purchased an Aune X8 that also has an open socket to easily change op amps.
Yes, the performance is WAY better. I'm curious how the best ss2590 Sparkos performs. Supposed to be even better. Also the new Burson V7 Vivid. These op amps push these modestly priced units into a whole new level.
Check it out...