I have an old pair of MIT Terminator 2 speaker cables that recently fell out of the box they were stored in, prompting my curiosity about them. Hoping they might be better than my current speaker cables, I took a close look: on two of the cable strands, the terminal hardware (one spade and one banana) have snapped off. Rather than pay a dealer a fortune to attach new spade and banana, I'm thinking of CUTTING OFF ALL THE TERMINAL METAL and going the route Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade Audio recommends: bare wire termination.
MY QUESTION: anyone have any opinions as to whether I SHOULD HESITATE TO CUT OFF ALL THE REMAINING TERMINAL HARDWARE and to go with Mapleshade-style bare ends?
PS I also intend to phone Audio Advisor and ask their MIT cable guy what he thinks. I'm hoping to avoid emailing MIT themselves, because I'm pretty sure they'll just say "send us the cable and a couple of hundred dollars and we will do it."
George Witterschein, Mendham, NJ USA
formally with The Audiophile Voice Magazine
New Jersey audio society newsletter editor