Anyone else seeing Anomalies w. Rega Apollo?

I have posted previously my initial review of the Apollo cdp, and I still stand by everything I said about this unit sonically.
I am on my third Apollo now, due to the fact that there are glitches/anomalies in operation between three units:
failure to accept command to stop
failure to read a disc
Instead of reading "initializing" reading "continuing" when a disc is put in
When the track forward button pushed, display reads "skipping" (which normally flashes for a split second as the track advances)but doesn't move to next track
Repeat function inoperative; when the disc finished playing it stops instead of repeating.
First split second of a song getting cut off when playing disc.
None of these problems are permanent; they are all intermittent, which makes it extremely difficult to find the issue, I would guess. I forwarded a list of symptoms to Rega to look at.

I understand that there are special processes, extremely precise etc. in manufacture of these units. The first two were thought to be defective as they came off the line together and were sent to the same dealer. I understand about 5% of units may experience technical problems.

But this one was from an entirely different batch, made weeks later. Still exhibiting operational problems.

I saw one or two comments earlier, back when people were responding to my review, that indicated slight glitches operationally.

Now, I'm wondering what owners are experiencing. Who else has an Apollo that's "acting up"? If these problems are more widespread than Rega knows, then they won't correct them. If there's operational or software problems, they should be fixed.

This is an incredible player, with sound like I've never heard before from a cdp in this price range. That's why I'm sticking with it. My Rega dealer has been golden, absolutely perfect. No questions asked exchanges on defective units.

But now, on number three, that makes me wonder if this is more widespread than even they know. I recall early on that two Apollo's were sold on Agon. I wonder if the buyers of those units can vouch for their perfect operation?

Please, if your unit is acting funky, detail the issue with the unit, so I can learn if this is just me (maybe my electricity is weird; but I doubt it. Every other player I've ever had in my system in the same place has been perfect), or if there's manufacturing problems on the Apollo.

If I don't get any responses back, I'll just assume that I have this incredible gift of obtaining the duds in production.

Showing 1 response by wireless200

I haven't had any problems with mine but I haven't used it a whole lot. I did notice you kind of have to wait until functions are finished before going on to the next one. It's not instantaneous. At first I thought it was hanging up but it just takes its own sweet time a lot of times. And it says in the manual it'll wait until each function is finished before going on to the next.