Anyone else excited for this Borresen subwoofer?!!!

It seems quite unique...(as one might expect from Michael B).

Borresen Subwoofer - Michael Borresen Interview



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@deep_333 Not at all! Many units out there give you the ability to adjust delay. The Aussies call it launch time. These include units by DEQX, Anthem, MiniDSP and Trinnov. It is an absolute necessity for sub integration.

@mijostyn , Most of these brands you cited are used by the multichannel guys and the ones who tinker with pro hardware primarily (no stranger to those). I was referring to more purist brands like, say..Esoteric, D’Agostino, Denafrips, Luxman, Schiit, etc who have a inability to provide an independent channel delay on their dacs/linestage or whatever... to delay any channel by how much ever the hell i want. They are so pure that everything will get executed magically for the guys who bought it apparently.

"Subwoofer speed"? Can't wait to see the speed o meter measurements. 

@m-db For example, a servo controlled driver will be forced to slam STOP quicker than some floppy/sloppy driver. It will result in the perception of FAST BASS! There may be other ways to do it as well. What is so hard about this to comprehend?

@deep_333 What you just stated to @m-db is marketing hyperbole without any basis in reality. The right term is powerful bass. Powerful bass requires the ability to move a large volume of air in a controlled fashion. This generally means large or multiple drivers with powerful amplifiers that have extremely low output impedances. Most importantly it takes enclosures that do not resonate, rattle or shake. Servo drives are an excuse for poor and undersized drivers in crappy enclosures. Digital Room control and EQ are far more important features for bass management. Next, all of the brands I mentioned also make  4 channel preamps for stereo systems, 2 main speakers and 2 subwoofers. DEQX only makes preamps for stereo systems. All those brands you mentioned do not have the engineering capability to pull off preamps like the DEQX Pre8, the Trinnov Amethyst, the Anthem STR and the MiniDSP SHD series. Digital Bass Management is critical for adequate subwoofer performance. Without it you are living in the stone age. 

Borrensen is, and correct me if I'm wrong. the Rolex of hifi the biggest difference being Rolex keeps time while letting everyone know you've got money to burn. The company offers no reason to think they are better equipped to build subs than the co's already vested in providing sub bass solutions, likely for a fraction of the cost.