Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333?

Anyone expecting one soon or received theirs?

My biggest question is, does the Diablo 333 have a slightly dark, rich, bassy tone to it, like the Diablo 300 and the Antileon Evo? Or is it the more neutral “Essence” sound?




Late to the party, but FYI @nyev I wound up getting another Makua for my Essence system as an upgrade to the Essence preamp. (I now have two Makuas, the other one with internal DAC in my second home.) The system sounded very good with the Essence pre but the Makua is more resolving and dimensional - even my non-audiophile wife called it “more 3D.” I also compared my Tambaqui + Makua to the Makua with internal DAC and it’s basically the same save the influence of the interconnects and power cord on the Tambaqui - in my system I had a slight preference for the slightly rounder, fuller sound of the Tambaqui with Furutech cords, but the internal DAC had a more, well, direct and incisive sound with slightly better resolution. At some point I need to find time to get through my backlog of reviews and write all this up…

Going to audition the 333 and Essence stack at my dealer this week.

As an aside, I have a 300 I paid $18K for new 2 years ago, saw a 300 used for $11K btw, wow 👌 anyone just starting out in the deep end of the hifi world would be hard pressed to get something as good for $11K.

What were your impressions of the 333? Also, would you mind sharing the contact info for your dealer with the used 300 for sale?