Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333?

Anyone expecting one soon or received theirs?

My biggest question is, does the Diablo 333 have a slightly dark, rich, bassy tone to it, like the Diablo 300 and the Antileon Evo? Or is it the more neutral “Essence” sound?




@roccl007 thank you for relaying your account of the Diablo 333 and I suspect the reviews won’t come until Gryphon sends units to reviewers and they have had at least a few weeks or preferably longer to evaluate. I’ve heard a few reviewers say they currently have 333’s on the way to them (Terry at Pursuit of Perfect System is one) so I expect reviews to come within the next couple of months.  

IMO I wouldn’t be too alarmed about Gryphon’s mention of shutdown during overheating, this is likely simply standard safety and self-protection management that is good to see in a well designed product.

@ricky64 , my Makua arrived, and yes the holographic presentation is truly great. All issues addressed and there are major improvements on every performance dimension I can think of over the Tambaqui feeding the Essence directly. I really wasn’t expecting this degree of improvement. And this was right from the first cold power-up of the Makua on Saturday night. It’s early days but I really don’t feel the need to look at other preamps now. Yes, it’s very transparent but as I mentioned before my speakers are warmer and more relaxed, so the sound is very, very easy to listen to for extended periods. The sound is much more dynamic and incisive, but is also very full-bodied, and the images within the soundstage are specifically placed yet fully fleshed out into a natural presentation. And the bass is fantastic too - very energetic, defined and palpable.

I expect the sound and my perceptions to change over the next 4 weeks or so, but right now I feel like I’m getting way more performance than I anticipated. And that performance is in service to the music and not for the sake of performance which is fantastic. I’m not typically one to convince myself that I like something simply because I bought it. More times than not I am more like “ah crap, this wasn’t right….”, even to a fault. But not this time, at least at this point. The gamble seems to have paid off.  In musical enjoyment that is; most certainly not financially!

@nyev I am glad to hear your new Essence and Makua are treating you so well! I enjoyed reading your write-up thus far and look forward to hearing more as they continue to burn-in and as your re-terminated Dragon gets put back into your system.

@62truck , I received the reterminated Dragon back and installed it last night, and my system performance went down - there was a loss in clarity and dynamics vs the stock cable.  I replaced the stock cable to be sure, and noticed that the bass was a touch cleaner on the Dragon but the top end was clearer, more present and dynamic with the stock cord!


It must be that that both ends which are new need to be burned in, or simply that the cable needs to resettle after being moved around and likely having the DBS system disrupted.  I’ve noticed that all of my new AQ power cords have not sounded good for the first 20 or so days of on-time, so maybe it’ll take some time again.  Not good that the stock cable sounds better (aside from the bass) at this time but hey at least it’s proof that power cords make a difference, lol.



I’ve only heard of Mola Mola TAMBAQUI DAC until your post about the Makua preamp, so I researched both the Makua preamp and the KALUGA MONO POWER AMPLIFIER.  The Makua reviews were impressive and their optional DAC and phono are surprisingly very high sonic quality.  The Kalua was also a surprise- as massive but controlled feedback yields an “effortless” sound in which I’m after.  Last time I heard “effortless” was when I heard Gryphon Commander + APEX at an audio show, but it’s way past my budget.  Thanks for sharing.