Anyone at home at Krell?

No one answers the phones, all the voice mailboxes are full, no one responds to emails. Anyone know what is going on?


Krell’s name is still worth a few dollars so I would be inclined to believe them when they say they will re-open and keep trying. Ripe for a takeover and flip to consumer gear like Luxman did in the late 80’s. That turned out a huge amount of profit then bust in no time. I do however know most businesses I have had experience with don’t recover from something like this, it’s only a death roll

Spreading “misinformation” ????   Come on Krell, your silence is the problem!  How hard is it to update your voicemail message….   

I find once you lose your founder the employees who have been given instructions on what to do for  30 or 40 years are lost  and nothing gets done, that's what's happening here maybe. 

Well updated on 8-28 There will be an official email from krell very soon

Post on the Facebook Krell owners  section