Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 

Showing 3 responses by three_easy_payments

The argument among those like the OP is always that we are simply transmitting 0’s and 1’s within a square (-ish) wave. But there is never any attention paid to how that square wave gets from point A to point B - it’s as if it is conveyed by magic with no outside forces (i.e voltage). The nearly square transitions are still sharp and sudden and these waves contain not only the 0’s and 1’s but also its odd harmonics. There is absolutely room for noise so it’s really just a matter of whether your gear is capable of highlighting the noise and whether your ear is capable of hearing it. I personally haven’t been able to hear the difference between ethernet switches and cables yet I’m not ready to dismiss the differences in the name of science - but I also don’t feel like this is a worthwhile area to spend my audio dollars when there is much lower hanging sonic fruit for my musical priorities.
The whole thread was started to tee up a statement like this:

Where it all falls apart for me, is how obviously bright people can somehow shut off or disable their critical thinking skills and allow themselves to be taken on a magic carpet ride when I know they know better.

Again - it was bait.

And by the way, I'd never buy an audiophile switch or audiophile ethernet cable but I think it's pathetic that you need to come on here with an agenda to dress people down and try to make them feel stupid.  I hope you feel like a bigger man now.