Anybody out there replace their volume control with a Goldpoint using Vishay resistors?

I'm running an Audion Premier 2 box line/MM pre-amp in my system.
The volume control is getting a little itchy and scratchy, so I'm thinking of upgrading to the Gold Point volume control, using Vishay resisitors. as suggested by ARTHUR SALVATORE ( REFERENCE COMPONENTS-PREAMPLIFIERS ) in his Reference Components site.

Has anyone out there gone with the Goldpoint, and if so give us the spiel on your synopsis.

Arthur talks about V-Cap Teflon capacitors mods in the signal-path. Has anyone experience doing this mod, and if so what's your impression in this area?

I'm up in Niagara Falls, Canada, about an hour & a 1/2 from Toronto, and was wondering if any of the Audiogon community knows a reputable service tech who does this type of service work in my area?


Showing 1 response by jaytor

No experience with Gold Point, but I build a preamp using a Khozmo attenuator which uses the Vishay naked foil resistors as the series resistor (in a shunt attenuator) and for all other signal path resistors. The shunt resistors are Takman REY. 

Since I replaced the entire preamp, I can't really comment on the specific influence of the attenuator, but overall my new preamp has considerably more detail and airiness compared to the Parasound JC-2 it replaced.

And as others have commented, volume tracking is dead-on. No shift in the image as you change volume.