Anybody have a Pass Labs Int 60 then step up to a Pass Labs Int 250?

I have a pair of Magico A1's which are incredibly hard to drive a reviewer measured them at 82 dB. I have a Pass Labs Int 60 driving them now and I like the pairing but feel it's slightly struggling with these speakers. I also have a Luxman 590 AUii which I also enjoy but for different reasons. The pass is smooth as silk and fuller. The Lux is more detailed with huge dynamics and just sounds so effortless. So I'm curious if somebody had both the Int 60 and int 250 would I gain dynamics and the effortlessness of the Luxman going to the Int 250? 

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I also have a Luxman 590 AUii which I also enjoy but for different reasons. The pass is smooth as silk and fuller. The Lux is more detailed with huge dynamics and just sounds so effortless.


This is useful. I believe it's the Luxman L-590AXII you are referring to. It appears that your impression on the Luxman coincides with Steve as well. The 590AXII was said to be more detailed than the Pass.


Luxman 590 AXII – Sweet, a little leaner than the Pass Labs with more detail so this is more for those who crave sharpness and detail over warmth and liquidity. Class A 30 watts but what it lacks in body compared to pass it makes up for in sweetness and dynamics. Made in Japan.




I compared both in my system and currently have int-250.
Even so the sound signature is the same, the INT-250 is more extended at top and bottom and deliver more relaxed presentation with slightly bigger soundstage than INT-60. Read reputable and honest (for me) review from guys at audiodrom. The INT-250 got very high score of 92 out of 100 and their comments are spot on. I tried many integrated including plinius histo, gamut 150le, luxman 509x, mark levinson, gryphon diablo 300, vitus 100 and to my ears and in my system the pass int-250 was one of the best, loosing some attributes like dynamic swings and on some recordings micro details to gryphon diablo-300. If you get one you have to get a great power cables and speaker cables that synergetic with this pass in order to hear what it is capable of.