Any Shunyata users that can help a guy on France?


it is my first post, but i read frequently the forum.

i’m interested in buying some xlr interconnects from Shunyata.

my système is composed of 
Pro-ject 6perspex with 9cc evo tonearm, Zyx ultimate100 0.48mV cartidge
preamp ARC sp20
2 ARC vt150se

i’m interested in Antares, Altair, Zitron Anaconda and Zitron Python.

how would you rank this modeles and what would you recommend me?

kind regards,
Hi. Welcome to the forum.

Shunyata makes really good equipment. I have a couple of their power cords. Their power products are well regarded. However, I would like to bring to your attention a known synergistic relationship between Transparent interconnects and Audio Research gear. I have used many brands and slowly standardized on Transparent as Audio Research equipment became more prevalent in my system. I stumbled on it, then saw it in audio shows and showrooms... the in reading. You might consider Transparent for interconnects.

Click on my name and you can see my system.
Hello and thank you for your response.

A few years ago i’ve seen an Antares that impressed me, so i would like to know about how do this 4 modèls compare between each other, « from best to worse », if anyone had a chance to compare some of them..

Zitron Anaconda
Zitron Python

I’ve understanded that:

Antares is better then Altair
Anaconda better than Python

But how do Antares compares to Anaconda/Python in XLR?

Thank you
All Shunyata interconnects you listed here are old models. Some very very old. Current version is Delta, Alpha, and Sigma v2. The v2 being the key word. 
The least expensive in current line of interconnects is Venom:
When you say (very) old, does that means that the technology has evolved a lot in the last 10/15 years so it’s better to choose newer lines of products?

If Transparent are known for their synergie with ARC gear, what models of Transparent xlr should i go for up to 1000 dollars on 2nd hand market?

Any other brands and models i should be thinking of that are known for good synergie with ARC ?

kind regards

brunoprata OP2 posts04-24-2021 6:22pmWhen you say (very) old, does that means that the technology has evolved a lot in the last 10/15 years so it’s better to choose newer lines of products?
The Sigma v2 is waaayy out of my league :) how do their Alpha model compares to Transparent Super/Ultra?

So for you ARC gear users out there, Transparent and Shunyata most known synergistic cables with ARC? Who wins between the 2 of them? My choice is really coming down to the answers i get, i will tend to go with a more « bass » one, as i lack a little bit with Magnepan 1.7

kind regards
And also,

I can’t seem to discover what is the order of lines of Shunyata with Zitron, ΞTRON, Alpha.. 

For under 1200 dollars what would be the best XLR options in Shunyata and Transparent?

Thank you in advance.
I’ve decided for either the Beta, Zitron Anaconda/Python depending on wich of the 3 will come up in the 2nd hand market at interesting price, it’s harder to find in Europe

kind regards