Any Raven Audio Reflection Owners?

I'm considering the upgrade path from the Osprey to the Reflection and would love to hear from any Reflection owners. 

I know several members have considered the jump from Blackhawk/Nighthawk/Osprey (Avian Series) to the Elite series.



I finally traded in the Raven Audio Osprey after 5 yrs of beautiful sound stage it produced and Raven Audio Dave Thomson during the yrs would tell me he had found some higher end tubes for me to try and most of the time they did not disappoint and made the Osprey even more purer to my ears and the music I would play..The last tubes Dave sent me I really did not think I could hear any anything better than what I have in Osprey.. And I will add I have Tinnitus pretty bad and still amazed what Osprey could produce a sound stage and the instrutments and separation of the music was just amazing ...

But I always wondered can these higher end Tube Amps really produce that much more than say a 6k Osprey...Talking with Dave Thomson he told me I would not ever be disappointed in the Reflection and gave me a trade in price for 5 yr old Osprey and  told me it would be my last tube amp to purchase .....

I will say this from start he was correct...I was disappointed in beginning and he kept telling me to slow down and wait for the unit to break in and few weeks a little nicer and approx 4 weeks and I can not stop believing what I hear and the width of the room sound that I never ever heard in my life from some songs from this Reflection....And the depth of I hear coming from music that you never knew existed

I had James from Raven Audio here at house a few times and I could see that he was some excited for I have the SVS SB16 in my room with the Raven Audio Corvus speakers and they are sitting on top of my custom Stands made from wood and the top and base are Granite that allow the speakers to produce a amazing sound stage....So at 73 yrs old with Tinnitus I am still a very lucky old man to hear music like I never heard before and I have to wait for wife to leave so that I can play music at 75db that is to loud for my wife...

So if you have the extra money do not hesitate about a Raven Audio Reflection..

Will also note that I have tried every 16 ’ Audio Quest USB cord and I ended up with Diamond Cord and Coffee Cord was close ..

I am using Shiit Bifrost for my DAC and Tidal for Streaming...

Another thing I find was listening to Reflection are sounds / noise that were never heard from Osprey and could be tapping of sticks on drum noise or clapping ect that comes out that just make you listen even more for what you have missed in these songs you all these years ... Will also say some songs I like I have had to delete a few with the tubes I am using for some songs are just to bright and I am using KT88 tubes and for the songs that are to bright probably have to use 6550 tubes ....

I also find that if you can play a little higher Db you can even get more detail out of Reflection but with my Tinnitus I am limited to loudness and the time I can play music and that is few times a week most at 45 minutes ... That is why I said approx 75 db is my limit of listening..

These are things I have noticed in 2 months of ownership and no Regrets.

Nice news to hear customers happy with their Raven Amps. The Refection sounds 🤯. I love my Raven Blackhawk especially when I added Brimar 6060 yellow T’s in the first row. I have it set up as a second system with Fritz speakers and a Gustard R26. I am shocked to say at times I like it as much as my much more refined main system. It just has a different sound that pulls you in…Go figure. Great amps for the money and built to last.

I had the Osprey for 5 yrs and wow what that amp produced and working with Dave Thomson through the years with tube upgrades was amazing in every upgrade on soundstage that it produced,,,

At end I had Power Tubes --Military 1970 6L6GC 

Row 1 Siemens ECC81

Row 2 6060 Yellow T's

Row 3 Jan GE Black Box and you could try 6414 Tall's.

These are the tubes I am running in my Reflection  except Power Tubes are KT88.

These tubes produce the purest sound and detail for Raven Audio Amps