Any problem with a long power cord?

I have rearranged my listening room again, to move the equipment rack closer to the listening chair, but I am limited by the length of my longest PC as to how far I can go...

Are there any concerns about signal loss or anything like that, and is it hard to find PCs longer than 6'?



We have done listening test with different brands from 1 meter to 6 meters and power cords are unique in that they sound better as they get longer. Having said that a 6 meter Dream State, a 6 meter Shunyta Anaconda, or a 6 meter Synergistic Research Absolute reference would costs you a fortune.

Also, the improvement is minimal not worth the expense. In your situation just get a cord that will reach. Remember you will need about 6 inches on each side from the IEC end and the Plug end. It is easy to take a measurement and cut it to close and be short.
OK, No explanation needed. It's obviously something mystical and deep that mere mortals wouldn't understand, and a sign of great humility.

And still tedious.
Do you really think there is something to explain? Poor spelling is tedious too...



Thanks Ozzy, I was hoping to get some feedback from people that were familiar with the issue, and had a bit of expereince with using better, long, PCs...



A few years back , I had the same problem. I bought a Hydra 2 and used 2- 7 foot power cords on it, that will give you a 14 foot stretch.

Actually, some Audio people claim that power cords like Virtual Dynamics or Purist actually are better longer since their cords are designed to clean the hash.
I guess I have a hard time taking PC advice from someone that doesn't have any good ones in their system...



I'm with Rlwainwright. Do not worry about this until you get to lengths of around 100 feet.
What a life we audiophiles would have, if all we had to worry about is only the length of our power cords?
Signal loss? What signal? You're talking about AC, son.
The electrons already traversed many miles from the power generating station to your home, what's another 10 feet or so? Just get a cable that's beefy enough to handle the current demand and has a nice solid connector on it and you're done.

Don't sweat the small stuff - and this is DEFINITELY small stuff.

Nrchy, I have in my system two power cords over ten feet long and found no defference in their sonic performance. Besides the cost factor, it was still less expensive then new racks or IC's, I found no degrading of the cords performance in any areas, their Harmonix Studio Master by the way.