Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there? • View topic - Half pipe and slippers..........


Showing 3 responses by llg98ljk

As long as we're one-upping on numbers, I turn 76 in January. Along with age comes a long list of doctors (specialists) and an equally long list of medications

On a serious note, my sister passed away last week from medullary thyroid cancer She was 11 months and 22 days my junior. It was a 7year battle with the assistance of a study drug that worked really well until it didn't..


But at least I'm still here. Based on his optimal listening position, his right ear must be his good one.

I have pretty modest tastes in both audio and liquor. Couple of days ago I picked up a bottle of Maker’s Mark 101. In my humble opinion, one of the nicest bourbons and an especially good bargain. Goes well with my KEF R3 Metas fortified by dual HSU subs. Still lobbying for that leather recliner to put in my listening position.

So, not to be a Donnie downer (but I suppose I am) I enjoyed smoking in my youth till I didn't. I was a heavy smoker from about 17 until I quit cold turkey at 43. I was one of those idiots who thought I'd smoke and stop just before I got sick.

I did end up paying the piper. Bad cardiac genetics on my father's side. So triple bypass surgery at 54, a heart attack at 68 and three trips for stents. Also been diagnosed with moderate emphysema. That said, there are those who smoke all their lives and live to 100. Some win the genetic lottery and some don't. 

I do refuse to give up the alcohol though, A nice gin and tonic or a hit of bourbon helps keep life fun. Bombay Saphire or a good high proof like Wild Turkey 101 or Old Grand Dad Bonded suit me fine.