Personally, if I were considering a DAC in the $5K+ price range, I would purchase it from a US dealer (or your home country) with a good record of service, I'm not saying anything negative about Lamp, but, at those prices, I would want a strong local service base. But that's me.
Any one compared a Lampizator to Weiss 202 DAC?
Hi, I'm looking for a great DAC, and am auditioning a tube based Lampizator Level 3 (list $3,900) and it sounds terrific. I'm also thinking of going up to the Lamp level 4 (list $6,000) or the Weiss 202 ($5,400 or so on Audiogon). The more money is a big push but I'm completely digitally based (CD and Mac Mini) so over time it may be worth it. Any body hear the Weiss and the Lamp and have notes on what the differences are? Thanks.