Any information/experience with Olive ONE

I saw the ad for this in the A-gon classifieds as I was updating my virtual system. IF this gizmo is as good as the maker claims it to be, at the price, it may free up my laptop for better uses. A cursory google search shows no reviews or independent feedback re user interface and audio quality.
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Showing 1 response by pgambon

I'll restart the discussion. At the SF Audio show they were demoing the Olive One. I was pretty impressed. The interface was very nice, much better than the Squeezebox. It has a built in amplifier, which I wouldn't need. The antenna didn't appeal to me either. The digital out did! The $499 model with 1TB, got the thumbs up. Maybe the biggest plus for me is that it is family friendly. I can't replace the SBT with a black box. The wife and kids need access too! I'm seriously considering one, especially at the price.