This is a great topic. Hearing loss or impairment and hearing aids are often a very overlooked and misunderstood topic as it relates to high fidelity and the audiophile experience. I have heard people say that hearing aids don’t help the hearing impaired enjoy listening to music on a stereo for various reasons. This has never made sense to me since I feel that much like room treatments.... addressing the most important piece of audio equipment, one’s ears , is of first order importance. How can anyone with hearing loss or hearing impairment evaluate any piece of audio equipment in the hifi chain without first fixing the problem of hearing well?
I have hearing loss and tinnitus and wear hearing aids. I don’t know how I could ever go back to listening to my stereo system without them. It’s like not wearing your glasses and trying to see clearly.... it can’t be done. Once I saw a professional audiologist and got tested, it was identified which segment or band of the frequency spectrum I was NOT hearing well and I was able to get hearing aids adjusted to my needs. It’s a game changer.