Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?

I’d like to recognize that it takes a great set of self promotional skills to become successful in the Youtube world. That said most of the audio reviewers I’ve seen don’t have the experience to review, or the kind of space that would really allow gear to shine.

Most of them start of with K-Mart like gear, did their formula and got popular, and jumped far up the audio food chain. Of course everything they review is going to be great compared to the Service Merchandise system they sold last year.

Just throwing it out there that people should be careful listening to these guys that are mostly working for the views/money (not that some aren’t passionate).

Anyone else seeing this?


Showing 1 response by laoman

If you look at a lot of youtube reviewers, you quickly find out who knows what they are talking about and whether they offer any worthwhile advice.

Here is what I think -
Ignore anything by Amir of ASR because he is biased, and basically promotes his own views to promote his site and satisfy his minions rather than to provide sensible advice.
The following are worth listening to in my opinion, however there are others:
Hans Beekhuyzen
Steve Huff
Andrew Robinson.
Pursuit of Perfect sound
A number of German reviewers, who really are excellent, but you need to speak German