Anti-Skate: Pete Riggle Engineering: A good read

I skimmed it, then later found the time to read it enough to know it’s worth passing on to anyone interested.

Anti-skate definitely needed, often overdone, perfection never achieved, less important for longer arms.

Note: he gives info about, and recommendations how to handle anti-skate, says his PRAMS device is only intended for the fastidious among us.
Hi-Fi News Test LP has 4 tracks for anti-skating (bias) adjustment:

Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 12 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 14 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 16 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 18 db ) 0:15

At the moment I'm using "12 inch FR-66fx tonearm without anti-skating. 
I just use Frank Schroeder’s technique as recommended by Peter Ledermann, as referenced. Bought a blank vinyl just for that purpose.

Works good enough for me.
What came first the Wally Skater or the PRAMS?
Good read, thanks for the post. 
The Wally Skater and the PRAMS look almost identical. I use the Wally Skater myself. Easy to use. Getting your anti skate setup properly makes listening to music more enjoyable.
These 2 devices are so similar I would think one copied the other?