Never heard the Anthem. The Lyngdorf makes every set of speakers ive ever hooked up to them sound fabulous. With room perfect active it sounds like a pair of high end head phones. That said I think it does better with full range speakers or monitors and subs than just monitors alone. Tightens everything up tremendously. If intereted in a new one please message me. I have a great dealer and great price.
Anthem STR or Lyngdorf TDAI 2170?
I recently moved house and went from a listening space that was pretty generous to my current setup (Cronus Magnum II + B&W 805D3s) to one where the soundstage sounds really flat and underwhelming. Because we watch a lot of movies, I’ve also been running an integrated (Rotel 1592) and using a splitter to switch between that and the Cronus depending on the source (music or movies).
It’s a lot of equipment and wires for a small space and, given how lackluster the sound is, I want to consolidate everything by leveling up to an integrated with room correction.
I’m stuck between an Anthem STR or a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170 (or 3400 if it’s leaps and bounds better than both).
Reviews and comments on both are equally impressive. Has anyone sampled both and have a POV on which I should go with?
It’s a lot of equipment and wires for a small space and, given how lackluster the sound is, I want to consolidate everything by leveling up to an integrated with room correction.
I’m stuck between an Anthem STR or a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170 (or 3400 if it’s leaps and bounds better than both).
Reviews and comments on both are equally impressive. Has anyone sampled both and have a POV on which I should go with?
Showing 2 responses by mofojo
yyzsantabarbara , Please report back with your findings of the pre amp section shootout between the 2 units. Interested for sure. One thing about the Lyngdorf that I believe to be true but I am not positive about is that it will lose resolution if using as a preamp and not going to it's own class D external amplifier via a digital connection. Maybe someone can correct me here if I am wrong. Another thing to consider is the Lyngdorf absolutely sounds better after being on for 24 hours. I leave mine on 24/7 with the display off. If they had just turned it on it would make quite a bit of difference IMO. Would be interesting to have your dealer turn it on the night before you come back and try the unit as a whole package again. |