Anthem STR or Lyngdorf TDAI 2170?

I recently moved house and went from a listening space that was pretty generous to my current setup (Cronus Magnum II + B&W 805D3s) to one where the soundstage sounds really flat and underwhelming. Because we watch a lot of movies, I’ve also been running an integrated (Rotel 1592) and using a splitter to switch between that and the Cronus depending on the source (music or movies).

It’s a lot of equipment and wires for a small space and, given how lackluster the sound is, I want to consolidate everything by leveling up to an integrated with room correction.

I’m stuck between an Anthem STR or a Lyngdorf TDAI 2170 (or 3400 if it’s leaps and bounds better than both).

Reviews and comments on both are equally impressive. Has anyone sampled both and have a POV on which I should go with?

Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

jwh2, the Lyndorf has the best build quality but forgetting about the money the Anthem STR preamp has the best feature set and the more usable (understandable) Room correction/bass management. If My TACT died tomorrow and I could not afford a Trinnov Amethyst I would absolutely go for the Anthem STR preamp. I do not care for integrated amps as putting a super huge power supply next to a preamplifier grates on my neurons. For the money it may be the finest preamp you can buy today. 
Guys, It is not one or the other. It is both. You always have to optimize your room acoustics. Once you have done that Speaker Control (Not Room Control) adds an additional dimension that an uncontrolled system simply can not match. Every single serious audiophile who has heard my system adds speaker control and are thrilled with the results. First, you can modify the frequency response to suit your taste and conditions. Second, the response of the speakers is now exactly equal improving imaging and depth. Third, all speakers and subs are now perfectly in phase. The system delays the closest or fastest speakers to match the farthest and slowest. Screwing around with room acoustics will not do any of this. You can not have the best performing system without it. If you are ever in New England I would be happy to demonstrate.
I guarantee a jaw dropping experience.
The Lyngdorf 3400 is the way to go here. It has everything you need and is built to a higher specification. Just make sure you plan on staying 2 channel.