
What Is wrong with ansuz cable ? 35k for a power cord, 25k for phono cable. Complete cabling for one system is around half a million. This is getting so ridiculous 
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Showing 3 responses by duddley

It took me 40+ years to come around on the importance of cables, especially power cables. I have probably read everything there is to read on the subject, by both advocates and naysayers, but in the end none of it matters. The only thing that matters is what you hear. I knew my mid-level synergistic "loom" was an improvement over stock PCs and modest ICs (some self-made), but nothing prepared me for the incredible improvement made by Ansuz C interconnects and PCs. I am now a believer. For reference, my system consists of a VAC Sigma iq 170 integrated amp, a Bricasti M3 DAC and a VPI Prime TT with an Ortofon Blue Cadenza cartridge. This system already sounded very good, but the improvements made by the Anzus cables were astonishing to me. Now, these are not the top of their line, two below actually, so the prices are not as crazy as you might imagine, furthermore 33% discounts are available. I have been so impressed that I am going to replace my M&G speaker cables with Ansuz C's, as well. In all of my years in this hobby, I have not found any component that has made such an improvement for the money. It makes me wonder if I should have invested in great cables before upgrading the other components. I don't think you will experience what your high-end components are truly capable of until you try such excellent cables. For all the nay-sayers, all I can say is try them for yourselves. Dealers usually have loaners you can borrow, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Right now on Audiogon you can get Ansuz Diamond PCs for $2.9K. They listed for $15K. 
Conagie. Have you heard them? Have you spoken to a dealer to understand Thea actual street price?