I believe you’re better off with N150 over N10. The newer generation players from Aurender are more dynamic and detailed over older generations. But then again, if you’re only listening to Internet radio then I wouldn’t change a thing.
Another Aurender Upgrade Question
The Rig: N100H whose signal feeds into a Bricasti M3. The streamer is connected from my modem with a relatively long (14M) Shunyata Research Venom X ethernet cable. The streamer in turn connects to the DAC with a (2M) DH Labs USB cable which was @ $300 a couple years ago. My setup requires the long ethernet run, but I can get away with a .75 or 1M USB cable.
The Question: I'm looking to improve the sonic qualities of the streamer's signal. It is not horrible by any means but slightly muted compared to the signals from my transport and tuner. To be honest I use the streamer mostly for internet radio from the Conductor App. I flirted with Qobuz for a while but lost interest and interact mostly with the other two front ends. I'm considering one of two options (and only two): Fork a few hundred to upgrade my USB cable (I'm intrigued by the Audience Front Row if I can find one used) or fork a few thousand down the road for a used N10. The internal clock (supposedly) yields a better sonic result with either SPDIF or USB. Or perhaps given the length of the ethernet run it doesn't make a difference. So I welcome comments and ask they be focused on USB upgrade vs used N-10 and with the latter advantages regarding type of connection.