Ann Arbor

I would be interested in helping to start an Audio Club or Society in S.E. Michigan. Would be great to get together with other "audio lunatics" and check out all the different set-ups and learn how to properly set-up turntables, ect.. and get a chance to hear what all the different "isloation" products do for improving the "sound" we struggle so get to achieve........
In can be contacted anytime at

Greg in the Ann Arbor area
I am interested in helping a club start. I live in south east michigan.
I work in the industry & know how to set-up turntables I do at least three a week.
You can contact me if you like.
send me an e-mail ( and I will forward your note to Glynn who runs the group.........
Greetings all,

I have a few friends that often get together and discuss stereo talk from DaimlerChrysler. We are from Washington, Oak Park, Macomb, etc. We would be interested in getting together and discussing tip, tricks, tweaks, etc.

Steve S.