Ann Arbor, Michigan Blues Music & Record Stores

Hello everyone. Planning a trip in the near future to Ann Arbor, Michigan and was wondering if anyone can suggest any blues music venues and record stores I could visit.
Yeah, I checked out Overture Audio when I was there, and the guy in there was great, letting us listen to a couple of different systems that were already set up in there. I would recommend them highly to anyone living anywhere near there.
i used to go to encore records twice a year. yes their prices are probably a little higher than other stores in the area but the selection is usually superior in blues and jazz.
bring a portable disc player so you do not have to share the in store machine as it can get backed up easily. last time i picked up big bill broonzy and blind willie mctell.
If your looking for live music in A2. Search on WEMU radio and go to their datebook section. Pretty good live music listing.