And the biggest influence on sound quality is...

The quality of the recording itself.

Then the room, the setup, the speakers, and lastly the  front end.

I've got recordings that make my system sound horrible, and I've got recordings that make my system sound absolutely wonderful.

None of the gear changes have had that much impact on sound quality.




These kinds of questions are like asking what it the most important part of a bridge.

None of the gear changes have had that much impact on sound quality.

Seriously?  What gear changes have you experimented with so far?  I have heard profound changes with different pieces of gear.  

Besides quality of the recording , I feel the quality ofthe front end is a bit more important then the Loudspeakers , for once the audio signal is converted good or bad it cannot be improved downstream, you only get one chance to define its sound character. I have been experimenting with some pretty good dacs.

that have. Changed the norm in what to expect and  just under $9 k retail ,that can 

stay with dacs that are 50% more expensive ,hint from Europe.

I see the point and can't disagree.  Once a system has good, revealing speakers, the impact of changing the front end can really change the listeners experience.  And I forgot about the recording.  Even on a mid-fi system, a poor recording or poor engineering of a recording can annihilate the music.  And the better the audio equipment, the worse that thing will sound for sure.  I guess if someone has a lousy recording of music they really like they could scout around for an old Radio Shack stereo.