Analysis Plus Interconnects

Ok, I got my Solo Crystal Oval 8 speaker cables on Friday and after a weekend of 24/7 break in I must say I am VERY impressed. I am sure things will only get better.

I am now considering replacing my Sonoran Desert Plateau ICs with the matching Oval 8 cables. The Sonorans are pretty darn good and replaced some Luminous Audio Synchestra Signatures in my system some time ago. What would I get with the AP interconnects? Who is using them in conjunction with their speaker cables and what do you think?

And as a side note, how long did it take for the Oval 8 speaker cables to break in?



Showing 2 responses by rathbone


I have the same question as Oz since I am trying out a 12 ft pair of Solo Crystal Oval 8 bi-wires to Magnepans. Very musical cables, good micro detail, smooth, dynamic, but is this "old folks wire":)?

My main complaint is that they are way too pleasant. A piano concerto I listen to is very dull with the A+, and certain instrument fundementals that are very noticable on other wires are almost MIA on the A+. Granted, my favorite cello concerto is as good as I've ever heard, the midrange is a thing of beauty.

I am curious as to what changes sonically occur from hour 1 to hour 75 of break-in? Do the A+ cables ever perk up?

Do the A+ IC's counter/match with the speaker cable to produce a more neutral sound that is less dull, or does one just have to make some sacrifices for the many virtues of the A+ Oval 8?

Thanks for the reply Oz.

No question they are very dynamic and extended cables, so in that way they definately do not lack excitement.....the wide extention on top and bottom is pretty amazing.

I have a hunch that my fear is the midrange too, so it sounds like all I need to do is be patient....a lot of the time I will be anxious about a component - because it will sound different, like "where did the bass go?" - and then only realize later that the bass is there, its just way more extended and defined, with less boominess, less artifact etc.

I have a feeling the A+ wires clean things up quite a bit, and in comparison to other wires this might make them sound familiar distortions!?