Analog a dying breed

I spoke with a dealer today and we discussed the business of hi-end audio. He feels that in 10-15 years the analog market will not exist. He says the younger generation is
not interested in vinyl. Do you think this dealer is correct.
I'm 24 and i went to analog 2 years ago.
I sold my CD player recently.

BTW: What is SACD ?
My vote would be no it won't die. I'm a 31 year old budding audiophile and thought I'd never get into analog, until I heard my friend's dad's record player. Now I listen to both, and enjoy collecting the better recordings on LP, since they sound better. Plus it's just cool.

As for the younger generations, remember club and rave DJing is HUGE, and that's all records.
Just received the new Music Direct catalog. Page after page of new turntables, arms and cartridges, FAR more than new digital hardware. Check out Audio Asylum's Vinyl Asylum, probably the busiest forum on AA. For a soon-to-be corpse, this one is pretty lively.