An IEC with grip

I am sure this has been discussed ad nauseum, but I have not found what I am looking for yet. I have built several power cables and bought a bunch, but I am consistently disappointed by the IEC plugs and their weak grip. I have spent some bucks on Neotech and Wireworld plugs and cords, and they frequently have to be pushed back in place. One of the cords that does have grip is the Classic+ that I received with my Puritan PSM156, that holds quite well. 

Any suggestions? I know that I can improve things by wrapping the plug in tape to make it stay put, but my interest here is finding something with grip that will improve the connection.



Or there is the old jury rig - tape wrapped around the cable in cradle fashion with the loose ends attached to the top of the component thus holding up the plug and preventing sagging. The only drawback is having to loosen the tape sling when the component needs to be unplugged.

I always use this technique on I2S plugs most of which have very inadequate bearing shoulders.

I am a little confused, and maybe it is just me. I have never had the male side of a power cord pull out, but have on several occasions had the female (component) side of a power cord come loose… particularly with upgraded PC with harder / larger plugs. I am never able to feel like they are fully seated. Is there a trick I am missing?

I've tried Teflon tape and if it migrates, You have to be careful as it conducts electricity and you'll hear a crackle. I stopped using it. I've stacked things to prop up the connector but will try those inserts. 

The grippiest C13/15A IEC I’ve experienced is from IEGo. Comes in a bunch of different flavors ranging from bare copper to gold-plated copper to rhodium-plated silver. They also happen to be a pretty good product for the money, so perhaps that’s your ticket.

Totally feel you on this one. I have been very disappointed in many of the higher end power cables from Shunyata, Wireworld, and Synergistic. They do not trip well at all. In many cases I have had to place an object or 2 under the connection to the component so they stay in place and connected.


I highly recommend DH Labs. Specifically the Power Plus Cryo and Red Wave. These cables have a super tight and secure grip. The best I have experienced. Plus they’re amazing cables. I replaced a Shunyata Delta on my Processor with the Power Plus and what a difference! Solid connections!