Amps & Maggies...what is your take?

What amps do you used to drive your Maggies and found yourself putting on a smile on your face? Pray tell, why you like this amplification?

Showing 1 response by john_l

I drove my 1.6QR's with the McCormack DNA 1/A, and Conrad Johnson MV-50. They were both excellent. The surprise was the 45 watt MV-50. It drove them with power to spare. It didn't have the detail but has a warmth and forwardness was wonderful to listen to. A vocalist would seem to have a five foot tall head when coming from the Maggies. I could listen to orchestral works with no problem. Awesome speakers ! Overall, I think these speakers were the sonic equal of my $5500 AP Virgo speakers. A little less detailed, less bass, but superior for orchestral works. If you are a classical music lover, the 1.6 is untouchable. I didn't keep them because of placement/aesthetics in my particular room. You can see out the window, or you can see a speaker; which do choose ?! Cheers everyone!