Hey Jack,
It's a real shame the prices are going or have gone up, if you can get a discontinued Luxman model jump on it before the new models with post-covid prices roll in.
I will say I'm a luxman fan. I got here after a long ride with a bunch of other SS amplifiers, from Sumo to Parasound to custom built Class D (sounded fine), and ended up at Luxman and couldn't be happier.
There's a lot of things I haven't heard though, including Accuphase. I've heard Esoteric at a show and I just was not drawn to it. Can't even remember anything about it.
So, Luxman: Tremendous extension in the bass, and treble. It makes speakers sound bigger and go further. Liquid, almost tube-like midrange and smooth as glass treble. To my ears, neutral without being syrupy or excessively warm like Parasound. I've heard D'Agostino amps in the same room and those are two amps that sound really close to each other.
The one technical negative is how they have the headphone amp set up. They drive it directly from the amplifier, with a high value resistor. If you use any sort of hard to drive headphone amp that output is probably not going to be for you.
I also like Luxman a lot more than Pass and about the same as Ayre. If you are auditioning amps, the Pass and Ayre sound distinct enough you might also see if you can listen to those.