Amplifier to match my new Dynaudio Confidence 30

I thought I was cured from audiophilis... It's been almost two years since I've sold my last piece of audio gear to realize that something was missing. So here I am, lucky enough to had an opportunity to grab an almost new pair of amazing Dynaudio Confidence 30. I know it's not an easy speaker to drive and I don't need anyone to criticize the speakers because I already own it and I can tell that even with modest gear, those speakers can sing! Now I need an integrated or separates that pairs well with them. It could be new or used, but my budget is below 20k. I listened to Conrad Johson, Audio Ressearch, Bryston, Simaudio, Rega and Luxman. In short, the Luxman lacked of everything at mid volume, the Simaudio has a lot of punch but a little analytical, the Bryston too thin for me, Audio Research sounds like transistors and analytical, the Rega Aethos was super musical but I felt the speakers needed a little more power, the Conrad... well this thing can sing. The only downside with the Conrad is the price and the reliability of the tubes. I'm very open to suggestions! We have some very good dealers here in Montreal, but we don't have that much choice in terms of brands. Dealers are almost all selling the same products. I don't mind to travel a litlle to find what I'm looking for. Thank you for your input!


Hello chrfor,

I'm an "old newby"... I just created a new login. Don't remember the old one... 

Have you decided on your option? Did you tried or bought any amp? I have the same dilemna. Having the same speakers (now C20 but C30 soon), I'm thinking about the Moon 760A, but I may consider Pass Labs, Modwright, or any other grat option. From Quebec province too... Thanks

Coda CSiB

I once had a Coda/ Dynaudio setup. Great match! It's worth checking into.

PS Audio - BHK Preamp, BHK 250 or 300 Monoblocks.    Totally Love my setup

Pass Labs 

So may options...