Amplifier suggestions please

Hi - I'm reworking a 2 channel system, had some very basic components and now trying to step up a bit.  DAC is currently a Schiit Yggy, I'm on the waiting list for a Freya+ which means I'll be running balanced connections.  Speakers are Philharmonic Audio 3's.  I was using a pair of Emotiva XPA-1L monoblocks (differential/balanced) but want to upgrade.  I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar's but although there are no real bad reviews I feel like they don't quite get raved about like the Yggy does (and the Freya+ to some extent).  I'd like to stay around $2K, definitely under $3K and I prefer new (I've had my fill with trying used).  I know its asking a lot to find a pair of balanced monoblocks in this range so I'm not opposed to a stereo amp (XLR inputs).  I could also be talked into canceling my Freya+ order and switching to a preamp from the amp builder if there is better synergy in that pairing.  I've looked an Van Alstine and Odyssey, what else should I be looking at?


jumper75 OP
I could stay in the Schiit catalog and go with a pair of Vidar’s

Think about this, it could work very well, your speaker look great BTW with that planer midrange and ribbon tweeter and could be easily Bi-ampable with just a little moding, if you or have someone with a little knowledge can do.

Horizontal Bi-amping with a Class-A Schiit Agir on the mids and highs where it’s in it’s element.
And a Schiit Vidar for the bass, because the Vidar has 2db more gain than the Agir you will need a Schiit $49 Sys on the input of the Vidar to lower it’s volume a touch (once only).
And your Freya+ then controls the lot, and because the Freya+ has 2 sets of RCA outputs you don’t need a "Y" splitter

Cheers George
My friend with the same speakers is using a Van Alstine amp and pre and his really sing.
I believe that's the match which they used at audio shows.
If you call AVA I'm sure he can recommend the perfect solution. You have some fantastic speakers there!
@johnto Thanks!  I love the 3's.  Do you know which model AVA amp your friend is using?  
Why are you so apparently, "Stuck" on a, "Balanced Only", set-up in your rig?
 I kind of get "get-it", as I went through what I shall a, "Phase" doing basically the same thing at one point!
But that was years ago and I got over it as nearly all of us do.
   "Yes", "XLR cabling" has it benefits. But limiting yourself to JUST XLR in/out config.?
That is WAY, way, way more detrimental to your possible choices at this point in your rig than if you didn't worry so much about that right now. "OR, ever even". As the XLR's benefits "Can" be, "Negligible" at best, most of the time.
I have many amps. Many "Great", amps. This according to friends, reviews, and reputation. And also my own humble opinion. And most of them? Are in fact "RCA, only", in/out. So I would simply advise you to,
 "Quit that"!
 Having said all that, it just occurred to me....
I do have a "Threshold, T-100", amp. With both the XLR and RCA inputs. "Factory mods". That both sounds amazing, and has been recently serviced. And is also for sale. AND it is within your budget. "In case you are interested". Also a "Threshold A400", with the XLR Mod. But that amp is above your price-point.
     And if you wanted to up that game? Up it, "Quite", a bit actually??
 I also have a pair of the "Manley Labs", "Snapper"", mono-blocks with both the the XLR/RCA's. Which are a little bit over your budget. But, the "Manley Labs", "Mahi", mono-blocks which I have? Those would be at the top of your price-point. And they would work just as well as the, "Snapper's".
 BUT, You would in fact be restricted to the RCA inputs only!

Yes, I have the "Manley's" above to sell, but I really only mentioned them to make my point above.
 Hee hee, I really don't "Want", to sell them at this time.....
But the Threshold T-100?
Yes, definitely, It needs a good home!
 One more point, Just in case...
You do realize that cabling is available which has both the XLR on one end and RCA on the other, which does in fact exhibit the same benefits as the "XLR only ", cabling right? "
Any noise is still canceled and any of the noise/distortions thus relieved are shunted back to the XLR device and done away with.
 Just always use a quality cable!

 Regardless, Good Luck!!